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limited access to social welfare provided by the government for a large
number of people. These problems are addressed every time there is an
attempt to initiate national reform. These problematic conditions reflect
that Thailand is still unable to achieve its objectives in development of
democracy and in using Rule of Law to create fair society.
Issues for group discussion
1) Problems concerning the implementation of Rule of Law in
Thai society, particularly in the determination of public policy.
2) Mechanisms and processes for solving social injustice by the
use of Rule of Law.
3) Innovation in reform to strengthen and promote Rule of Law
in a sustainable democratic society.
2. Thai Political Culture and the Application of the
Principles of Rule of Law
In the past, application of Rule of Law seemed to be on basis of
Thai political culture rather than relying upon the principles of Rule of
Law itself. Examples of this include the use of patronage relationships
in appointments or transfers, corruption through the patronage system,
the abuse of political power, lack of people’s participation by allowing
rulers to wield absolute authority, and the fear of rulers. This kind of
authoritarianism, political culture, and patronage has long been
entrenched in Thai society until it has become part of the thinking and
behavior of Thai people.
Therefore, it is interesting to study and review the elements of
Thai political culture that reinforce or undermine the application of Rule
of Law. In addition, it is necessary to consider the impact from the
absence of the Rule of Law in a democratic society on public
confidence in the use of legal and administrative power. We should also