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โครงการการเสริมสร้างความเข้มแข็งทางด้านสิทธิและการมีส่วนร่วมแก่ประชาชน: กรณีศึกษาการพัฒนานโยบายจากภาคประชาชน จังหวัดจันทบุรี
fertile mangrove forest. In term of occupation and social group, most respondents expect
development of infrastructure and occupation.
4) Desired future of Chantaburi in the next ten years. Provincially, the correspondents
from most districts mentioned that they expect better public utilities and occupation as well.
Besides, most respondents from Na Yai Arm District expect to see natural resources and an
environment that are free from garbage and pollution. In terms of occupation and social group,
most respondents expect development of infrastructure and occupation in the next ten years
5) Desired future of Chantaburi in the next twenty years. Provincially, the correspondents
from most districts said that they expect better public utilities and occupation. Besides, most
respondents from Tha Mai District expect to see an improvement of well-being, quality of life,
self-reliance, and no crime. Another difference was that most respondents from Soi Dao District
would like to see a strong economy and the community without trouble or debt.
6) Issues of concern. Provincially, most respondents were concerned about the operation
of agencies in the area because they still lack integration. In terms of districts, they were
concerned about various issues such as the work of agencies, degradation of natural resources
and the environment, low price of fruit, and natural disasters. Besides, the civil society sector
was worried about relationships of the people. The business sector was concerned about
economic issues, while young people worried about the leaders.
7) Actions for the community and society. Provincially, most respondents mentioned
that they can participate in community activities through sharing opinions and influencing
Recommendations from the researchers are as follow.
1) Regional government agencies such as the provincial office should encourage academic
organizations or civil society organizations to collaborate in policy formulation in a bottom-up
approach. This involvement could be conducted parallel with the existent top-down
mechanisms. The process could help provide more channels for people’s participation and
allow the general public more access to the public policy formulation process.
2) Local governments such as Provincial Administrative Organizations (PAOs), municipalities,
and Tambon Administrative Organizations (TAOs) should apply their communal spaces as areas
to practice deliberative democratic culture in advance. For example, they should routinely
develop proposals from the people using regularly organized opportunities to exercise
deliberative techniques and conduct participatory processes. Such participation helps people
exercise their right of expression and citizenship in a democratic regime.