Page 11 - kpiebook64008
P. 11
Following the research findings, the researcher still believes that educating the people on
local election is important and must be done persistently and inclusively so that the people
realize the significance of laying the foundation for democracy at the local level, as well as playing
a political role as legally qualified voter. This is particularly crucial for the young generation who
needs to know and understand the forms of electoral system so that they can become the
mainspring in promoting and supporting the network working among the public sector and the
organizations involved in holding election to ensure electoral fairness. In this sense, the holding
of election requires building the networks of collaboration among all the sectors, including the
government agencies, the Office of Chiang Mai Election Commission, and educational institutions.
Consequently, for the election to be held since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, there
should be standardized measures for organizing an election and training the personnel involved
with election administration at each polling station, especially the budget increase for the training
courses catered for the polling station staff, as well as the tools and equipment for managing the
voting place properly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic situation and the local
Another key recommendation from this study is that the government should consider
amending the regulations to allow advance voting or outside-the-district election for the local
election like the national election in order to facilitate the voting rights exercise of the people
who have to migrate. Moreover, the consequences of the political conflicts brought about another
proposal from the people who think that local election reflects the struggles among political
groups and classes. Yet, if the qualified voters are enabled to play a role in choosing the
candidates of a political party or group during the local election, it will reduce hostility and foster
people’s awareness of their political role. They thus proposed that political parties and groups
use a candidate selection method which would give people an opportunity to nominate their
own party or group representative, like the primary voting system which would result in political
representatives coming from the people’s preference, so as to build a shared sense of ownership
and cherishing the value of local communal identity. This would enhance local problem solving
and help address electoral fraud in a sustainable manner.
โครงการศึกษาการเลือกตั้งระดับท้องถิ่น ปี 2563: การเลือกตั้งสมาชิกสภาองค์การบริหารส่วนจังหวัดและนายกองค์การบริหารส่วนจังหวัดเชียงใหม่