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                        A  research  report  on  “ The  Election  for  the  Chiang  Mai  Provincial  Administrative

               Organization Chief Executive and Councilors B.E. 2563 (2020)” includes qualitative data from in-
               depth  interviews,  group  interviews,  and  participatory  observation,  as  well  as  data  from
               questionnaire surveys (Survey Research)   of 2 3 6  eligible voters from 1 5  districts in Chiang Mai
               province, and 4 0 0  samples of Chiang Mai University students (youths). The objectives of this

               research were to: 1) examine, and understand data and statistics relating to Chiang Mai Provincial
               Administrative Organization elections, including the political climate surrounding the election of
               the chief executive and council members. 3) study on voters' attitudes and political behaviors,
               and also the factors influencing their voting decisions in Chiang Mai Province. 4) study problems

               and crucial issues affecting the election of the chief executive and the council members of Chiang
               Mai Provincial Administrative Organization.

                        The results showed that the election of the chief executive and the council members of
               the PAO in Chiang Mai was an election that competed between two parties, the Pheu Thai Party
               and the Chiang Mai Kunnatum group.   It was the first election to demonstrate the role and

               influence of political parties in local election, despite the fact that no candidate is required to be
               affiliated with a political party. In the election of the PAO in Chiang Mai province, the majority of
               the candidates were veterans or used to be former politicians and political leaders. Even though

               independent candidates did not run as members of political parties, their election campaigns
               were associated with national political parties.   The election campaigning strategy employed a
               method  of  establishing  a  connection  with  the  area.   There  were  policies  that  emphasized
               developing and solving specific problems in Chiang Mai Province through the use of campaign

               posters, political campaign speeches, and meetings with local people and communities rather
               than through the use of online media.   While vote-buying is still visible through vote canvassers,
               voting  behavior  reflects how  the definition  of money-buying votes has shifted  to wages or
               compensation that make money, and there is no guarantee that the payees will vote for the

               transfers.   According to the survey results, the majority of people understand and are interested
               in local election.   They believe that factors such as political party affiliation and being a former
               leader in the area influence election voting.   While the survey of Chiang Mai University students
               revealed that many students lack knowledge and understanding about the PAO election in Chiang

               Mai province. Students place an emphasis on policy and political party. Students have a tendency
               to abstain from exercising their right to vote in accordance with their domicile and submit requests
               to preserve their rights due to travel restrictions that limit voting to one day. There were no pre-
               election or out-of-field elections, as there have been in general elections. This link to an electoral

               management issue that has suggested local elections should be held in advance or outside of

                 โครงการศึกษาการเลือกตั้งระดับท้องถิ่น ปี 2563: การเลือกตั้งสมาชิกสภาองค์การบริหารส่วนจังหวัดและนายกองค์การบริหารส่วนจังหวัดเชียงใหม่
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