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               Book and Articles

               Amitai Etzioni, A Comparative Analysis of Complex Organizations On
                      Power, Involvement, and Their Correlates, 1961

              Bailey and Mosher, ESEA: The Office of Education Administers A Law,

              Brever and DeLeon, The Foundations of Policy Analysis, 1983.

              Carole S. Vance, Culture, Society And Sexuality, 1991.

               Christopher Paul Dietz, Jurisdiction in gender recognition: governing

                      legal embodiment, December 2016.

               Council of Europe Publishing. Discrimination on grounds of sexual
                      orientation and gender identity in Europe. 2nd edition. Paris :

                      Jouve, 2011.
               David Feldman. Civil Liberties and Human Rights in England and Wales,

                      2nd edition. New York : Oxford University Press, 2002.

               Dixon – Mueller, The Sexuality Connection in Reproductive Health, 1993.

               Equality & Justice Alliance. Comparative Legal Review of Gender
                      Recognition Laws Across the Commonwealth, United Kingdom

                      : Sister For Change, 2019.
               Francis E. Rourke, Bureaucracy, politics, and public policy, 1969.

               Halperin and Kanter, Encyclopedia of Policy Studies, Second Edition,

               Human Rights Committee, A.R. Coeriel and M.A.R. Aurik v. The Netherlands,
                      Communication No. 453/1991, CCPR/C/52/D/453/1991, 31 October


               Horn and Meter, Education Policy Implementation, 1976

               Inés Arístegui, The changing public and private experience of transgender
                      people, 2020.
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