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               Victoria Robinson, My baby just cares for me: Feminism, heterosexuality
                      and non-monogamy, 1997.

               EuropeanCouncil of Europe Committee of Ministers, Committee of Ministers
                      Recommendation on measures to Combat Discrimination on

                      Grounds of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity, CM/Rec(2010)5,
                      Adopted on March 31, 2010.

               Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly Resolution 1728 (2010) on

                      discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender
                      identity, Adopted on April 29, 2010.

               The European Court of Human Rights, Norris v Ireland, Application
                      No. 10581/83, Judgment of 26 October 1988.

               The European Court of Human Rights, B. v. France, Application

                      No. 13343/87, Judgment of 25 March 1992.

               The European Court of Human Rights, Niemitz v. Germany, Application
                      No. 13710/88, Judgment of 16 December 1992.

               The European Court of Human Rights, Hokkanen v. Finland, Application
                      No. 19823/93 (Series A no. 299-A), Judgment of 23 September


               The European Court of Human Rights, Pretty v. The United Kingdom,
                      Application No. 2346/02, Judgment of 29 April 2002.

               The European Court of Human Rights, Van Kück v. Germany, Application

                      No. 35968/97, Judgment of 12 June 2003.

               The European Court of Human Rights, L. v. Lithuania, Application
                      No. 27527/03, Judgment of 11 September 2007.

               The European Court of Human Rights, Lustig-Prean and Beckett v.
                      the United Kingdom, Application No. 31417/96 and 32377/96,

                      Judgment of 27 September 1999.
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