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200     ผลการใช้กฎหมายรับรองเพศสภาพ : กรณีประเทศอาร์เจนตินา มอลตา และไอซ์แลนด์

            Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Concluding
                   observations on Germany, E/C.12/DEU/CO/5, 20 May 2011.

            Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Comment
                   No. 20: Non-discrimination in Economic, Social and Cultural

                   Rights (art. 2, para. 2), E/C.12/GC/20, 2 July 2009.

            Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Comment
                   No. 14: The Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health

                   (Art. 12), E/C.12/2000/4, 11 August 2000.

            Committee on the Rights of the Child, Concluding observations on
                   Switzerland, CRC/C/CHE/CO/2-4, 30 January 2015.

            Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Comment
                   No. 20: Non-discrimination in Economic, Social and Cultural

                   Rights (art. 2, para. 2), E/C.12/GC/20, 2 July 2009.

            Human Rights Committee, Concluding observations on Ireland, CCPR/C/
                   IRL /CO/3, 30 July 2008.

            Human Rights Committee, Concluding observations on Ireland, CCPR/C/
                   IRL /CO/3, 30 July 2008.

            Human Rights Council, Report of the Office of the United Nations
                   High Commissioner for Human Rights, Discriminatory laws
                   and practices and acts of violence against individuals based

                   on their sexual orientation and gender identity, A/HRC/19/41,
                   17 November 2011.

            Human Rights Committee, A.R. Coeriel and M.A.R. Aurik v. The Netherlands,
                   Communication No. 453/1991, CCPR/C/52/D/453/1991, 31 October


            Human Rights Committee, General Comment No. 22 : Article 18 (Freedom
                   of Thought, Conscience or Religion), CCPR/C/21/Rev.1/Add.4,

                   30 July 1993.
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