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 Project/ Local   Issue   Objective   Target Group   Activity

 13. Project on Solving   Schools under Na Phu   to develop Thai   162 students in   Meetings are held for the working
 Illiteracy in Na Phu   Subdistrict Administrative   reading and writing   Grade 1-6  at 6   teams and involved teachers.
 Subdistrict Administrative   Organization encounter   skills among the   affiliated schools    Training by specialists in Thai
 Organization,  Na Phu   illiteracy. Many children   target students   under OBEC in the   language was provided to help
 Subdistrict   aged 6-15 years in Grade   area of Na Phu   teachers to prepare their materials.
 1-6 can not write due to   Subdistrict    All the activities aim to develop Thai
 ineffective learning during        reading and writing skills. A joint
 the epidemic situation. The        meeting is held to develop a
 schools have only 1-3              summary of activities and analyze
 teachers, so teaching and          the information. Camp activities for
 learning management is             “developing literacy and writing
 difficult.                         skills” are also held for the target
                                    group. The performance appraisal is
                                    conducted to obtain the summary
                                    and report of the project.
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