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                       to help children continuously should be flexible and clear in operation to make them long-term and
                                     8) In the project development, the researchers also learn that the involved local
                       government organizations lack knowledge and understanding on a writing proposal for projects,
                       especially on how to identify indicators. Therefore, prior to the development of the project, King
                       Prajadhipok's Institute may provide the relevant training for local government organizations to
                       measure the performance more effectively.
                                     9) Through follow-ups, it is found that some projects encounter issues resulting in
                       the holding of the projects. One of the most common issues is the lack of knowledge and expertise
                       especially  in  implementing  the  projects related to special needs children. Therefore, King
                       Prajadhipok's  Institute  should  provide  relevant  training  to  such  issues  for  local  government
                                     10) Researchers have  been  focusing on the survey,  analyzing the data of
                       inequality,  identifying  the  problems,  and  finding  solutions,  so  they  have  less  time  for  project
                       implementations. The duration of the research is not necessarily consistent with the timeline of the
                       projects run  by  the local  government agencies,  so  the researchers  are  unable to continuously
                       monitor the progress of the projects or give advice  on the evaluation.  Therefore, to drive the
                       projects  thoroughly,  the  research  period  should  be  extended  or  divided  into  2  phases:  1)
                       development and 2) follow-ups for evaluations and collection of lessons.
                                     11) The involved local governments should be encouraged to expand the project
                       results to other local government organizations, areas, and target groups. The achievement can
                       occur through collaboration among all local government agencies, not only by King Prajadhipok's
                       Institute itself.

                              3.2 Recommendations for Policies
                                     King Prajadhipok's Institute should  play a role  in  driving  local government
                       organizations in the country to resolve inequality in education in their areas through relevant laws
                       and policies to support the local implementation.

                              3.3. Suggestions for Further Studies
                                     1) Follow-ups, evaluations, and lessons from all 13 projects must be conducted to
                       learn about the results, success factors, and limitations of the implementations.
                                     2) Further studies on issues of fund development to reduce inequality in education
                       for children should be conducted to learn effective mechanisms for sustainability.
                                     3)  There  should  be  further  studies  to  drive  local  government  organizations  to
                       develop database systems on inequality at the local level since local government organizations are
                       in the area and understand the local conditions. Troubleshooting requires up-to-date and relevant
                       information  because  of  differences  of  local  conditions  and  a  rapid  change  of  situations.  The
                       database systems on inequality at the local level will support the local government organizations
                       in making decisions for effective management.
                                     4)  Research studies should be conducted to shed light on the lessons of local
                       government  organizations  that  are  successful  in  reducing  educational  disparities  that  are  not
                       included in the project to serve as a model for other local government.
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