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8   ประเด็นส�ำคัญที่พึงมีและควรแก้ไขตำมรัฐธรรมนูญแห่งรำชอำณำจักรไทย พุทธศักรำช 2560 :


               As “self-government of the people”, representatives of the people
        in a democracy should be elected by the people. That is why, especially
        in a “representative democracy”, elections have become one of the

        most important elements of modern democracy. And how the people

        as sovereign of a democratic state elect their representatives and how to
        determine who is elected is a matter of the “electoral system”.

               Before the constitution of 1997, Thailand knew of only one electoral
        system, namely simple majority system. At the beginning, it was a single

        constituency majority system or “First-Past-The-Post” (FPTP). The electoral
        system was later changed to multi-member constituency and then to

        three-member constituency system. The 1997 Constitution added the
        list proportional representation system (list PR) to the electoral system

        of Thailand by mixing the PR system with FPTP in the form of a “parallel
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