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For the election, it’s a serious festival, because in 2018, we conducted 171 local
elections. So, it’s big job, and you can count how much money we spend for this big
election every five years, with 586 cities for provincial government.
In terms of financial resources, after decentralization we also change the
proportion of the selling. Before, for example, oil revenue, gas revenue, and so on,
and so on, the money was sent to the central government 100%. But, now, the sell
has been for oil, and the 85% goes to central government. The rest goes to the
provincial government and also the district level. For gas revenue, from 100 to only
70% to the central government. The rest goes the local government, and so on, and
so on.
Again, there are many mistakes that we have to learn, we have to improve.
Of course, we need to improve the capacity of the local government, poor quality
personnel, still imbalance of budget because still under the burdens are 70% at the
local level, but the money still goes to the central government for 70%. Administer is
not balance. And also, we have had the decentralization. The central government they
are trying to keep the power or take the power from the local government. They are
now creating many central government agencies at the local level. They said, oh,
local governments are not capable. So, we try to help them, by establishing new
central government agency at the local level, so many, and education and health and
social affairs. They try to establish, establish, establish at local level. Then, of course,
we still have to think about the details for the big ideas of decentralization wherever
disagree, but the differ is in the detail. We still have problem with the financial
assignment. What should the central government do? What should the provincial
government do? And also what should the local government do? Because they are
overlapping assignment, and also the minimum standard of services. And some areas,
education is free from elementary to high school. But in some areas, they have to
pay, very expensive. The teacher in Jakarta, they have salary more than professor.
But, at the local level, on the one third, because their salary given by the provincial
government Jakarta. And, also, for the community improvement, we only talk about
from the decentralization. We only talk about from the central government to the
local, but actually where is the place of the community? How can they involve in the
process making? This is still the question for us.
Ok, thank you very much.
Thank you. Thank you very much, Professor.
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