Page 213 - kpiebook63002
P. 213

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                           So, until now, we agree that we should not discuss anymore this choice. It’s
                     like not negotiable. For example, in 1990s, a reform leader at the time, he said that
                     federalism is better than unitarianism. But people just complain the allegiances just
                     saying, no, and so on, so on.  Even in 1980s, a Catholic priest also say that if we
                     just keep maintaining this kind of state model or system of government, he believes
                     that end of several despairs in 2045. So, but most people like to consider that
                     federalism would only make in recent integration. So, they say, no, we have to stick
                     on this unitarianism.

                           At the moment, we have three levels of governments. The first one is Central
                     government on Jakarta, and then we have 34 provincial governments. Before Suharto
                     stepped down, we actually had only 27 provinces, but then East Timor just leave
                     Indonesia. And we have 26, but after reform, now become 34 provinces.

                           For districts, before, we have only 341, before 1998. Now, almost double, 508
                     districts and cities.

                           Talking about decentralization is really long history, and we started discussing
                     the issue from the beginning of our independence in 1945. Until now, we have
                     already eight laws. The last one is just four years ago, in 2014.
                           Just let me discuss, what do we mean by decentralization, at lease in the
                     Indonesian situation?

                           The first one is devolution, or political decentralization. Giving more political
                     power to local government to manage their own local affairs.

                           The second one, de-concentration, is just administrative decentralization, where
                     the central government who think local governments as the essential of the central
                     government, or establishing central government agencies at the local level. It’s like
                     the tug of war. Sometimes, the central government just makes a law that more
                     emphasizes on devolution, on the other hand, they switch to de-concentration.

                           Let me start by law Number 5, 1974. It’s very popular because it was featuring
                     new government by Suharto. The background is that at the time the economy
                     worsened, around 60% of the population are poor, with high inflation, and we had a
                     lot of conflicts, rebellion coming from some regions. You can see that the living cost
                     index grew up 438 times, rice price increased 824 times, also textiles and so on.
                     The inflation is rupiah failed from 160 per 1 US dollar to 120,000 rupiahs.
                     The rebellion in the West Sumatra, South Sulawesi, and West Java. That’s why at
                     that time, President Suharto just focused on economic development as the priority,
                     and they need political stability as the necessary condition. What Suharto meant at
                     the time was we can create decentralization, but they emphasize on administrative
                     decentralization, then political decentralization. The center government was very
                     powerful at the time. They made various agencies at the local level. They just
                     represented the central government at the local level.  So, they just give no power to             ª£¸›²£ª±¡¡™²¥¸h¡¢h­¢—µÈ
                     local government, but they create government in the society at the local level.
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