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8   ประเด็นส�ำคัญที่พึงมีและควรแก้ไขตำมรัฐธรรมนูญแห่งรำชอำณำจักรไทย พุทธศักรำช 2560 :
          สิทธิชุมชน ชุมชนท้องถิ่นดั้งเดิม

               Community rights were constitutionally recognized at the same
        time. People, as members of various communities, have exercised their

        constitutional rights, both in the submission of draft laws to the parliament
        to determine the details of the rights of communities, and in collaborating

        with governments and administrative departments to operate under the
        authority of agencies. Also, court rights have been used to create norms

        to show the boundaries of community rights. Political parties have shown
        their intention to support community rights, and governments of every

        era have raised the issue of community rights in their policy statements
        to the parliament.

               However, during the past 20 years, in practice there have continued
        to be many constitutional problems concerning the exercise of community

        rights in various dimensions. "Constitutionalism" and the examples of

        the Canadian constitution and the Federation of Brazil that certifies
        community rights in the constitution provide good principles and guidelines
        to help overcome the cycle of constitutional problems in Thai society.

               1.  Create processes and mechanisms in the constitution to
                   ensure and protect the rights and freedoms of the people,

                   effective immediately without any excuse for the unavailability

                   of government agencies or creating restrictions by using legal
                   techniques such as “as provided by law” or “by the method
                   prescribed by law”.
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