Page 9 - kpiebook64007
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Executive Summary
The election of council members and chief executive administrator (CEO) of
the Khon Kaen Provincial Administrative Organization (PAO) on 20 December 2020 was
eight years away from the election of the CEO of Khon Kaen PAO on January 8, 2012
and the election of council members of the P Khon Kaen PAO on 27 August 2012. This
abstention from local elections raised expectations and stimulated the public interest
in Khon Kaen. The current research aimed to explore the political climate and behavior
of those involved in the 2020 elections of the Khon Kaen PAO council members and
CEO. The research objectives were four-fold: 1) to study the political climate of the
2020 elections of the Khon Kaen PAO council members and CEO; 2) to study the
political behavior of the candidates to be elected as council members and the CEO
of the Khon Kaen PPAO; 3) to study the political behavior of the voters and the factors
affecting their vote decisions; and 4) to study the management of elections of the 2020
elections of the Khon Kaen PAO council members and CEO. The researchers
employed a holistic single case study research design and collected qualitative and
quantitative data by document analyses, interviews, and a province-wide survey for
the period between November 2020 - April 2021.
The main findings of the research are as follows.
Registration of candidates. Regarding the registration of candidates for the
2020 elections of the Khon Kaen PAO council members and CEO, there were 177
candidates who passed the qualification examination for the election of 42 available
council member seats. Meanwhile, there were ten candidates who passed the
qualification examination for the election of the Khon Kaen PAO CEO. With these
many candidates, Khon Kaen was the province with the most candidates for the PAO
elections in the country. The province was divided into 42 electoral districts.
Connection between local and national politics. The results found that the
ten candidates for the CEO of Khon Kaen Provincial Administrative Organization did
โครงการศึกษาการเลือกตั้งระดับท้องถิ่น ปี 2563: การเลือกตั้งสมาชิกสภาองค์การบริหารส่วนจังหวัดและนายกองค์การบริหารส่วนจังหวัดขอนแก่น ช