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               access of justice that the rule of law was mentioned, I think the
               debate on the meaning of the rule of law, and how to measure it
               will be more dynamic in the coming years.

                     Despite all the differences observed by leading academia, as a
               practitioner, I would say that the rule of law, just like its name,
               should be the rule for the good law; the rule sets out what good
               law has to be. In my opinion, first, law must come from a rightful
               source and has to be publicly propagated.  This also implies the
               idea of public participation and decision making, which means
               that the law must come from the people.

                     Second, law must be in accordance with human rights and
               national standard.  In other words, the content of law must be for
               the common good neither for the benefit of individuals nor
               particular groups of people.

                     Third, law must be enforced and applied fairly and equally to
               everybody: all persons, institutions, entities both public and
               private, including the state alike, everyone on this accountable
               under the law.  This is very important, especially for Thailand, as
               the rule of law is known in Thai as ‘Lak Nithidhamma’: ‘Lak’
               means principle; ‘Nithi’ means law; ‘dhamma’ means fairness.
               Therefore, the rule of law in Thai connotes fairness as part of the
               rule of law principle.

                     Fourth, law must be independently adjudicated which means
               that institutions like court and justice need to be independent and
               not to be under any power or able to be influenced by politics and

                     From this definition, we might be able to see it a little more
               clearly on how the rule of law is a key principle in keeping the
               democratic system going.  To draw such relationship, the rule of
               law supports that the law comes from the public needs with
               reason, with the core value of democracy, with these people’s
               participation.  The law must aim to protect human rights, which
               are one of the key elements of democracy.  The law shall be
               enforced to everybody equally.  This is what makes law be for the

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