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 Project/ Local   Issue   Objective   Target Group   Activity
 community and                      project is included in the Annual
 parents; (3)                       Budget Expenditure Ordinance,
 knowledge, abilities,              Budget (2023) and in the process of
 and skills for                     approval from the council.  Students,
 innovations to                     teachers, children, the elderly and
 improve teaching and               local people are allowed to use this
 learning and meet the              learning center. The first assessment
 standard quality; and              of the center is conducted to learn
 (4) to promote and                 the information for improvement and
 support the                        followed by the second assessment
 systematic process of              for further development in the next
 institutional                      fiscal year. The municipality is in the
 management                         process of renovating the room to
 for good-quality                   become the learning center.
 9. Project on Reducing   different numbers of   (1) to develop early   50 participants   Meetings were held for the working
 Inequality in  Education   students in schools under   childhood teachers’   including primary   group to plan the project
 through Development of    Wichian Buri Municipality:   knowledge, skills, and   school teachers and   implementation, propose the project
 Early Childhood Teachers’   caused by: (1) the   thinking processes   educational staffs   for approval from the management,
 Capacity, Wichian Buri   standard of teaching and   under Wichian Buri   under Wichian Buri   and discuss with the management of
 Municipality, Wichian Buri   learning at the early   Municipality; and (2)   Municipality, who   Phetchabun Rajabhat University
 District, Phetchabun   childhood level in schools   to enhance children’s   serves 373   according to the MOU in early
 Province   under Wichian Buri   executive thinking   preschoolers aged 2-  childhood education management
 Municipality, and (2)   skills    5 years    with the aim to reduce inequality in
 people's confidence in             education. The activities at the
 school management                  learning center (PLC) will be
                                    summarized as the PLC results to
                                    determine relevant activities to the
                                    development of early childhood
                                    teachers' capacity.
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