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                             Project/ Local                 Issue                  Objective          Target Group                   Activity
                                                                                                                         School Education in Soeng Sang
                                                                                                                         District. The students’ performances
                                                                                                                         are to be analyzed after training.
                                                                                                                         Soeng Sang Municipality is in the
                                                                                                                         process of developing  a
                                                                                                                         memorandum of agreement with the
                                                                                                                         relevant agencies.
                        6. Collaboration Project   special needs students in   (1) to organize      12 special needs     A cooperation agreement formulates
                        with Network Partners for   secondary schools under   education for special   students, 20       the roles of the working groups
                        Special Needs Students in   Sakon Nakhon Municipality   needs students in   teachers, and 3      including screening special needs
                        Secondary Schools under    with no access to relevant    collaboration with the   network agencies   students, visiting the secondary
                        Sakon Nakhon Municipality   education, proper learning   network partners; (2)                   schools with a successful practice,
                                                   environment, and qualified   to create proper                         co-designing educational
                                                   staffs for special needs   guidelines for                             management for special needs
                                                   students caused by:  (1) a   developing special                       students, implementing the plan, and
                                                   lack of learning approach   needs students in                         supervising the implementation of
                                                   for special needs students   schools in                               educational management. At present,
                                                   to reach their full potential;  collaboration with                    the process of screening special
                                                   and (2) no classroom      network partners; and                       needs children is completed.
                                                   adjustment to meet all    (3) to provide
                                                   students’ needs           knowledge and
                                                                             understanding for
                                                                             those involved in the
                                                                             provision of education
                                                                             for special needs
                                                                             students  in
                                                                             collaboration with
                                                                             network partners  in
                                                                             the affiliated
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