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 Project/ Local   Issue   Objective   Target Group   Activity
                                    Foundation of Thailand; (5)
                                    Children’s Council in Ta Tum
                                    SubDistrict; and (6) Village Head and
                                    Head of Subdistrict in Ta Tum
                                    Subdistrict .

                                    Tatum Subdistrict Administrative
                                    Organization has finished the
 3. Educational Opportunity   12 dropouts aged 3-18   (1) to provide the   12 preschoolers aged  The working groups are appointed by
 Program for Children in   years from 22 communities   underprivileged   2-5 years and   local government organizations and
 Non-formal Education,   under Thung Song   children good-quality   members of   assigned to visit the area to collect
 Thung Song Municipality     Municipality caused by: (1)   education; and (2) to   Educational   in-depth information related to
 a need to earn a living for   provide  the   Opportunity Program  children to be synthesized for proper
 students themselves or   underprivileged   solutions. A tracking system is also
 their family members   children opportunities   developed for empirical evidence of
 instead of going to school   in career development   students’ needs. Currently, the
 with no other financial   for better incomes    project is in the implementation
 supports for formal                process to help children.
 education; and (2) a lack of
 school supplies and
 equipment to access online
 classes, impacting their
 4. Project on Reducing   22 uneducated children   to provide all children   12 students aged of    Meetings are held for the working
 Inequality in Education for   aged  3-18 years under   basic education    6-15 years and 10   committee to prepare a plan for
 Uneducated Children,   Thung Song Municipality   students aged 16-18   approval. The appointed committee
 Phuket Municipality    caused by: (1) unemployed   years   discusses with community leaders
 parents; (2) limited income        and visits the area to collect the
 to support all children in         information about the uneducated
 the family; (3) separated or       children in order to help them return
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