Page 72 - kpiebook65019
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Paragraph 4. the lands referred to in this article are inalienable
and indisposable and the rights thereto are not subject to limitation.
Paragraph 5. the removal of indian groups from their lands
is forbidden, except ad referendum of the national congress, in case of
a catastrophe or an epidemic which represents a risk to their population,
or in the interest of the sovereignty of the country, after decision by the
national congress, it being guaranteed that, under any circumstances,
the return shall be immediate as soon as the risk ceases.
Paragraph 6. acts with a view to occupation, domain and
possession of the lands referred to in this article or to the exploitation
of the natural riches of the soil, rivers and lakes existing therein, are
null and void, producing no legal effects, except in case of relevant
public interest of the union, as provided by a supplementary law and
such nullity and voidness shall not create a right to indemnity or to
sue the union, except in what concerns improvements derived from
occupation in good faith, in the manner prescribed by law.
Paragraph 7. The provisions of article 174, paragraphs 3 and 4,
shall not apply to indian lands.
Article 232. The Indians, their communities and organizations have
standing under the law to sue to defend their rights and interests,
the public prosecution intervening in all the procedural acts