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P. 311
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I think for Finland, when we had the women in the parliament.
õķöġġčĬāĦĉ İĕīĸġĞĥõøėĭŕĊĦĕċŕĦč Ŭū ūÑ ěŕĦõĦėċĩĸİėĦøŶčĪûĊĪû Ų ÑŲ Ų ū
øěĦĕİĞĕġĔĦøėĤğěŕĦûİĒĜ ğėīġøŶěŕĦøěĦĕİĞĕġĔĦøĞŕûĐęijğŖİõĨĈĞĥûøĕċĩĸĕĩøĬćĔĦĒöġûĞĥûøĕ
ġĖŕĦûĴė öġijğŖċŕĦčĖõĉĥěġĖŕĦûċĩĸİďŝčėĭďČėėĕÿĥõĞġûĞĦĕİėīĸġû
It’s very often said that because of the number of women we had in the
parliament. That was one of the reasons why our legislation was then developed, so
that build a strong social security system, and build the basis for like the gender
equal society as well. So, for instance, introducing the strong parental leave system,
focusing on the education, or the services after school for children. And then, one
example was the introduction of so-called baby box. Again, it was more than
70 years ago. It’s a box, at that time it was called maternity box, that was given to
every family with a newborn baby with essential items that the new baby would
need. This is given to everybody, still today that everybody would have the basic sort
of elements what they need. The box, actually a cardboard box that turns into a little
bed and so forth. I don’t know actually how much it costs. It’s free for everybody in
Finland. There’s actually a Finnish Women Organization in Thailand who has introduced
it to Thailand, and they have distributed to many families in the north, for instance,
and so forth. A few hundred euros, I would imagine the price.
There are different models of how you, well you can chose how to divide it.
But then there is a small part that has to be, that a woman or a man has to keep.
In the most cases, it’s the woman who has to hold it, but the man has to have a
little bit part of deliver as well. All the men that I know they don’t think of it as
something they have to do. Of course, on the contrary, something that they are, they
have the right to do, and that build such a better relationship with the child if you
are there from the beginning and so forth.
İöĦİėĩĖõġĤĴėøĤ ěĥčęĦğĖĬĈøęġĈöġûĐĭŖþĦĖĐĭŖğāĨûõķĴĈŖıęŖěĴďıĎŕûõĥčİġû
How about the violence against women and girls and children? If it’s already
been addressed and reduced.
It’s been addressed. It’s been reduced. And it’s been a huge problem
İõĩĸĖěõĥĎİėīĸġûøěĦĕėĬčıėûĉŕġĐĭŖğāĨûıęĤİĈķõčĤøĤ õķİęĖĊĦĕěŕĦİďŝčĖĥûĴûøĤęĈęûĴğĕğęĥûüĦõ
ċĩĸĕĩüŶčěč Ğ^Ğ^ ğāĨû ğėīġĐĭŖčŶğāĨûİĖġĤöĪĹč
It’s been addressed, and it’s been reduced, but unfortunately, it continues to be
really a huge problem. Many things that is the human rights problem in Finland. Most
often occurs within homes, or domestic violence. But then again, a lot can be done
by the society, the laws are extremely important. It’s extremely important that it’s not
up to the victim to make a decision, but if it’s severe enough, the violence, then the ª£¸²£ª±¡¡²¥¸h¡¢h¢µÈ
prosecutor has to take it forward. Things like this and everything with training the
police, it’s extremely important to train the police, and to have women in police force.