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romanticizing it. I’m not saying, “it is the answer,” but it is a way towards that, and
at least from before, it is much better. So, I guess, when we talk about
decentralization. It is really part of this whole public sector reform framework.
One, the starter’s goal is not acceptable. We have to bring about the reform.
But, we have to know why. And, if you look at the big picture as the conference,
it’s about democratization. But if you go down to down, why is it there? It’s all
about equity. It’s all about addressing the needs of the people which is why, maybe,
our discourse on democratization should be deepen. It’s not equality, but we have to
focus. And that’s what our third panel speaker mentioned earlier about the fact that
we should target those who are presented Magsaysay. The Philippines used to say
those who have less in life should have more in law. It is really an activist time. It is
time for public administration to have its own ideology that not everybody is created
equal. Public administration should make it a choice. It is not neutral, no such thing at
all, public administration, politics, the economy, of course not. Public administration,
governance should make a choice and ideology, they need to be pointed out lesser.
And, like I said, I’m not romanticizing it. But I think we really should make some
decisions, and that I think goes back to the theme of our conference of why
democracy. Perhaps, one reason why democracy is not working, because we think
everybody start, no comment this. Let’s go a bit deeper. For me, would be deepening
democracy to decentralization. And right now, in the Philippines, since our president
started to talk about federalism. Let’s go for it, but I keep on telling my friends in
the Philippines, federalism is not the answer. I think we should frame the fine
federalism within the context of decentralization. Because, right now, in the
Philippines, people talking federalism, federalism. Please be careful, because if you do
that you will mess up with the message when we say federalism is all about
decentralization. It’s all about devolution. And guess what, we have had experience of
devolution over the past 25 years, 27 years. There is evidence. But, we have to work
harder. And, work with the people. They know better. Not romanticizing them, but we
have to work in partnership: national, local, within the context of equity, public
administration. For whom is democracy? For whom is decentralization? That’s the
question that we should answer within the context of our discourse on public
administration. Kobkun krub.
Thank you very much, Professor.
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