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98   Siam - Rising Sun Under King Prajadhipok

             No.      Date (A.D.)               Events                     Place

              1    2 December        Arriving in Miahima            Miahima

              1    3 December        Arriving in Shinoyoseki and   Shinoyoseki
                   1924              having refreshment before   Nagasaki

                                     leaving for Nagasaki

              1    4 December        Visit to Unzen according to  Nagasaki
                   1924              the invitation from Nagasaki

              1    5 December        - Visit to the hot spring and golfing   Nagasaki

                   1924              before leaving for Nagasaki
                                     - Dinner reception according to
                                     the invitation from Governor

                                     and offering of a bathroom set
                                     made of tortoiseshell shells as

                                     a souvenir
                                     - At 10 pm, leaving Nagasaki for
                                     Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore,

                                     and Malaysia respectively before
                                     returning to Siam

              2    14 March 1931 Announcement on the visit to  Bangkok
                                     the United States of America
                                     from 1930 - 1931.

              2    6 April 1931      - At 7.30 am, arriving in Kobe Kobe

                                     - At 5 pm, leaving Kobe

                                                                                      9/9/2565 BE   13:12
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