Page 97 - kpi23001
P. 97
96 Siam - Rising Sun Under King Prajadhipok
No. Date (A.D.) Events Place
1 24 November - Visit to Yasukuni Shrine, Tokyo
1924 planting of banyan trees as
commemoration of the visit
- Lunch at Chancellor’s
residence and the offering of
an ancient Japanese sword
a souvenir
- Dinner reception according
to Baron Okura’s invitation at
Maple Club
1 25 – 26 - Hunting teals and lunch Tokyo
November 1924 according to the invitation Nikko
from Ministry of Palace
- Travel to Nikko
1 27 November - Returning to Tokyo in the Tokyo
1924 morning
- Dinner reception with Crown
Prince of Japan
- Arriving in Kyoto by train at
8.30 pm
1 28 November Trip in Kyoto and dinner Kyoto
1924 reception according to the
invitation from Viscount Kuroda
9/9/2565 BE 13:12
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