Page 94 - kpi23001
P. 94
No. Date (A.D.) Events Place
29 - January 1931 Invitation for the Japanese boy Bangkok
scouts to the tea party at Woradit
Palace by His Royal Highness
Prince Damrong and Phetchaburi
Street Palace by His Royal
Highness Prince Thani Niwat
30 6 - 9 April 1931 Visit to Japan by His Majesty Japan
King Prajadhipok and Her Majesty
Queen Rambai Barni
31 26 – 28 Visit to Japan by His Majesty Japan
September King Prajadhipok and Her Majesty
1931 Queen Rambai Barni
32 30 November Opening of the Japanese picture Saranrom Park
1931 exhibition by His Majesty King
Prajadhipok and Her Majesty
Queen Rambai Barni
33 10 August 1932 Announcement on the dismissal Bangkok
of MC Priditheppong Thewakul,
Ambassador to Japan, to receive
a pension
34 20 August 1932 Announcement om the Bangkok
appointment of Phraya
Indaravichit as a special
ambassador with full authority
to Japan
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