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                              The “Declaration on Royal Amity and Trade between

                     Siam and Japan” in 1887 A.D.  in the reign of King Chulalongkorn and
                     Emperor Meiji was the official restoration of the relationship between
                     the two countries after more than hundred years on hold to become

                     thriving again. Many important pieces of evidence on the great
                     relationship between the two countries were directly related to the

                     three of His Majesty King Prajadhipok’s visits to Japan. The first visit
                     took place in 1924 A.D. followed by the others in 1931. A.D. The latter
                     were official as the first Siamese monarch in history to visit Japan

                     with very few people’s awareness of such crucial historical events
                     between the two countries especially at the time when both Siam and

                     Japan faced and overcame the pressure of colonialism from the West
                     as well as the political volatility around the world.

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