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                          เพื่อปองกันและควบคุมการแพรระบาดของโรคติดเชื้อไวรัสโคโรนาสายพันธุใหม 2019 ในจังหวัดเชียงใหม”

                  knowledge, and appropriate health information. Next, local women VHVs

                  play a vital role in promoting self-care and community participation with

                  community healthcare education to prevent the COVID-19 outbreaks, such
                  as wearing a face mask, physical distancing, and frequent hygienisation of

                  hands. Last but not  least,  guidance  for  enhancing  local  women VHVs in
                  public participation are as following; (1) the inter-area pandemic information

                  should be more integrated; (2) the measures concerning disease prevention

                  and control of the pandemic should be adjusted and adopted suitable for the
                  specific area, and local context; (3) additional welfare should be added, such

                  as medical  expenses that not  covered  by  the existing package,  travel
                  expenses, royalties,  and others; (4) additional  training on  healthcare

                  education and  related field  include  recruiting new  generations for  the

                  coming retired replacement; and (5) providing continuous and up-to-date
                  community healthcare knowledge for local women VHVs.

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