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I would like to address some of the questions about the youth participation and
the education. On the youth participation, I think we… that was a very important
issue that you raised. In Finland we have… I would like to mention two examples.
At the municipal level, it is mandatory under the law, under the recent law, to have
the youth committees in every municipality. So the municipal boards and the
municipal governments they have to hear that Youth Committee in all issues effecting
them. It’s a broad variety of issues because basically almost all issues affect youth
as well. It has been in place as a voluntary for quite a long time in a majority of
the municipalities, but now it’s in all.
Another one is that at the parliament, there is this Youth Parliament so to say.
It’s functioned so that in schools, they train to the work of the parliament. In every
two years our parliament, they invite Youth Parliament to, like, a general assembly.
During that day, the youth representatives have a chance to bring their views and
make questions, but very often, very tough, which is good to the ministers and the
ª£¸²£ª±¡¡²¥¸h¡¢h¢µÈ mean it’s extremely important that… Also the legislative process when there are
So these are just two examples of those forms we have developed. But I
issues affecting youth, but then they are listened to. Actually, when we are