Page 56 - kpi23001
P. 56
Three of His Majesty
King Prajadhipok’s Visits
His Majesty King Prajadhipok and Her Majesty Queen Rambai
Barni enhanced a relationship with Japan in term of the government
and personal affairs as seen from his three visits to Japan: his first
visit in 1924 A.D. as His Royal Highness Prince Prajadhipok Sakdidet
Kromkhun Sukhothai Thammaracha and the other two visits in 1931 A.D.
as His Majesty King Prajadhipok.
The three of the visits to Japan with different purposes and
successes under the two statuses of His Majesty were well-prepared
in term of coordination and administration by both Siam and Japan.
The details of the itineraries and all the proceedings were compiled
as follows:
inside_ _EN.indd 55 9/9/2565 BE 13:11
9/9/2565 BE 13:11
inside_ _EN.indd 55