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6 การศึกษาความเคลื่อนไหวทางการเมืองและพฤติกรรมการเลือกตั้ง
สมาชิกสภาผู้แทนราษฎร 2562 จังหวัดกาญจนบุรี
The research is intended to study the political climate and political movements of
organizations and political groups involved in elections, movement and political behavior of
candidates, the role of bureaucratic organizations and private companies and other public
organizations that are involved in House of Representative elections. Also, the study considers
changes in political behavior, and patterns of political behavior of people and political
groups related to candidates as well as the use of resources, especially political campaigning
expenses. Also considered are changes of political power groups, party switching, and the
factors that affected voters’ decision-making, political decisions, with analysis of the results
from Kanchanaburi in the March 24, 2019 general election.
The findings showed that in the March 24, 2019 general election the people were alert
and very aware of the election. This led to various political movements, exchange of knowledge
and views, publication of information, news about campaigning, and presentation of political
policy, especially through social media. Meanwhile the provincial election committee took
a more proactive role in building good understanding of election law and regulations.
Characteristics of candidates were the most important factor in voting decisions. Political party
policy was also an important supportive factors. In addition, people’s voting decisions were
based on the patronage system and political networks of politicians. However, people had a
dramatic change in their own values and thinking by considering the benefits from political
decisions, and recognizing and understanding the importance of elections to themselves and
Keyword: election decision, party’s policy and political behavior