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เลขเรียกหนังสือHM548 .S34 2023
ผู้แต่งSchrank, Andrew.
ชื่อเรื่องThe Economic Sociology of Development / Andrew Schrank.
พิมพ์ครั้งที่1st ed.
พิมพลักษณ์Cambridge : Polity Press, 2023
จำนวนหน้าxii, 236 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.
ชื่อชุดEconomy and society
หมายเหตุบรรณานุกรมIncludes bibliographical references (pages 176-225) and index.
หมายเหตุสารบัญ1. Introduction -- 2. What Do We Mean by "Development?" -- 3. Is International Inequality Gradational or Relational? -- 4. Explaining National Mobility in the Cold War Era -- 5. The Diffusion and Demise of Free-Market Reform in the Post-Cold War Era -- 6. What If Sociologists Were in Charge?
สาระสังเขปSchrank draws concrete examples from different regions and epochs to explore sociological thinking about development and underdevelopment informed by the latest currents in economic sociology. Across a series of chapters, he identifies relationships between mainstream and Marxist approaches to the study of international inequality; uses classical and contemporary social theory to develop a parsimonious typology of national development outcomes; addresses cross-border learning and diffusion in light of the latest developments in organisation theory; considers the roles of religious, racial, and gender identity in driving development in different places and times; and portrays contemporary global challenges - such as populism, pandemics, and climate change - as distinctly sociological problems in need of multifaceted solutions.
หัวเรื่องEconomics -- Sociological aspects. (8)
 Development economics -- Social aspects.


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